Monday, October 20, 2008

Waitakere, NZ

My first host lives near Auckland. I didn't spend any time in Auckland, just came straight out here from the airport. The town is called Waitakere and I went to the visitors center to find out some history of the place. I learned that an old Maori tradition was that when a baby was born they would take the placenta and place it in the ground, and plan a tree on top of it. So when the tree grows the child always has a genetic tie to the land.

It is a beautiful lush and bushy place here, I've just come from a bush walk and am going for coffee now. I have been spending my days at work weeding, cleaning the inside of the house, planting trees, clearing spiders from windows....I am quickly having to get over my fear of spiders, bugs, etc. There are snails everywhere! The sun is hot when it's out so I'm trying to keep protected as well as I can.

Everyone is very keen on composting and recycling here. I didn't even see a household garbage can in my house until about the 3rd day when my host made one of a plastic bag (since I was doing a lot of clean up). They don't use the internet much here it seems, so when I do get on the connection is slow and I always have lots to do: looking for my next host, checking on bus schedules, etc.
1. my first bush walk
2. yummy porriage breakfast
3. walking along the road into town, the view of the canopy
4. My hosts garden


Karissa aka Grace said...

Sounds like NZ! Careful of the sun...get a hat if you don't have one.

Anton Bogdan said...

You are so right - it is so beautiful there. Nature especially. It is very interesting that culture there is much more earth conscious.