Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas in the Sun

Just wanted to let you all know that I'll be at Tauro Farm for Christmas. The website is if you want to check out the place, I can't yet upload any photos, but it's wonderful here. 

It's all run by a wonderful woman, Vermont native, Heather, and always has plenty of other wwoofers around. I've spent the last 2 weeks with 2 other girls, one from Sweden and the other from France. We've had a great time together and looks like it'll be a Girls Christmas! There is a Naturopathic doctor on the farm who works with the animals and has also tended to my intense allergic reaction I've had (assumed to be shellfish but could have been something else?) I'm recovering still, and in good spirits. 

1 comment:

Karissa aka Grace said...

Merry Christmas Em! I'm going to try and call you tonight if it's not too late when I get home...