Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kohu Kohu - North Hogianga

Peter and Helen on their property

Peter and Helen hiking through the bush on their property

The house! This got very busy with children and 5 adults during the 2-3 rainy days we had this weekend. There was another wwoofing couple from England and their kids that were here for a week.

The driveway up to the house and gardens

Peter and Helen, my first hosts up north, are wonderful! This place has deeply moved me. It is closer to the earth and sky than I've ever felt. Their aim is to be able to grow all of their food on the land, right now, they have a large veggie patch, berries on the way, many fruit trees, chickens, and cows are coming next week.

Peter goes to work 3 days a week and Helen stays home and cooks for the kids and works on her garden. The house is a small, square hut, all one room downstairs, a windy staircase to the upstairs where the 2 bedrooms are. There is a long drop toilet outside as well as a shower that looks out onto the bush. They have 50 acres of land. There are a couple pictures of the land as well as the house.

The weather has been everything from VERY cold, windy and rainy, to extremely HOT! When the sun is out though, it is magnificent. It is interesting, being in a place where you might go weeks seeing no one except the people you live with and the random neighbor that stops by. I was thinking about this and thinking of how Josh is in SF, on of the busiest places in the world. Polar opposites. We got to bed around 9 or 10 and rise with the sun, having 3 meals and morning and afternoon tea (they are English).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an amazing experience Em. I'm so proud to know such an amazing woman like you! I wanted to let you know that I've been checking your blog now and again, and really enjoy reading about your adventures... Love, Des