Sunday, November 2, 2008

Waiora Gardens

The area where a couple of the bedrooms are located
This stone was just on a mound of plants on the property
The yoga/meditation room
Driveway down to the house and gardens
Planting and mulching potato beds
Raised Beds with fruitful veges, flowers and herbs growing


Angela moved from Germany to New Zealand with a husband and 5 small children. They converted an old school bus and lived in it for 3 years while developing on the land. She now owns the property herself and her kids are grown and mostly moved away and she uses this land as a center for the study of Permaculture and for somewhat of a spiritual retreat center. There are MANY animals and all kind of plant and flower species. They have orchards, vegetable gardens, chickens, ponds, camper vans all over for people to stay in, and a wonderful lodge for dining and sharing.

I'll be here for 2.5 weeks because I've found it's a great place for learning permaculture (permanent + culture or agriculture) and working with plants, soil, learning about composting and mulching, and what it's like to live so far from civilization. There are no shops, coffee shops or stores of any kind in walking or jogging distance, but a gorgeous view from the road just up the way that I get to see on my daily jogs. This is rainforest so we do see a lot of rain, but when the sun is out, it is beautiful. It's still cold in the evening/night, but the sky is clear and the stars are bright and seemingly close!

All my photo albums have links on the right side of the blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EM... It's really fun keeping up with you on this adventure... VERY COOL TRIP! Keep the pic's comin!!